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Reading of a painting


The Sick Child 1907 Edvard Munch



  • They are holding hands

  • They have sad faces

  • The child is looking in pain

  • She looks uncomfortable


Analysis: I see texture in the hair and bed. The only light colors are the skin and pillow. The coloring looks messy almost like everything is falling apart. It seems like there is a balance between the child and the lady, because the child seems to except her fate but the lady is still lost. 


Interpretation: I think the piece is about grief and loosing a loved one. Yes the title fits because it seems the child on the bed is sick and is is called the sick child. If I were to be inside the painting it would feel depressing and sad, almost like everyone feels alone. I do like the colors because it is a sad painting and I think the dark colors fit well with the feelings. The date does make a difference because it was a long time ago where they didn't have as advanced medicine as now so they probably felt worse because the child probably wasn't getting any medicine and there was nothing they could do to save her. 


Judgment: I think other people should see this painting because it captures the feeling of dying in a perfect way and that it definitely shows how it feel extremely well. I would probably put it in a calm area so I can go to it when ever I feel sad so I know that others have it worse. The thing that is most worth remembering from this picture is that you should always be there for you loved ones and spend every second loving them because you never know when it ends. 

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